The story of Cluster One Observatory would not have been possible without the enormous list of information, resources and tools that internet makes available to the entire world. In our learning process, we have been nourished by the experience of astrophotographers both in Chile and in the rest of the world who, generously share their knowledge and experience on YouTube channels, webpages and specialized books.
In the following list, we have compiled a series of links that we are convinced will be of good use to you all.
Astronomical instrumentation
North Optics (Chile)
The largest and most complete astronomy store in Chile. Official dealer of ZWO, SharpStar, QHYCCD, Pegasus, among others.ZWO
Astronomical cameras, mounts, controllers and kind of accessoriesSharpStar Optics
Telescopes and accessoriesQHYCCD
Astronomy Cameras and Scientific CamerasPegasus Astro
Tools for professional astrophotographyGuan Sheng Optical (GSO)
Telescopes, eyepieces and more
Advanced image processing software. So far, the standard for astrophotography data reduction and analysis.Siril
Siril is a free astronomical image processing tool. Highly recommended for beginners.
If you’re a ZWO SeeStar user (S50, S30) we highly recommend to install a dedicated script to preprocess your individual light frames.Rusell Croman Astrophotography
AI-based deconvolution module for PixInsightNoiseXTerminator
AI-based plug-in for noise reduction available for PixInsight, Adobe Photoshop, and Affinity PhotoStarXTerminator
AI-based plug-in for star removal and star mask generation for PixInsight, Adobe Photoshop, and Affinity Photo
A free alternative to Pixinsight’s DBE for treating gradients.DeepSkyStacker
DeepSkyStacker is a freeware for astrophotographers that simplifies all the pre-processing steps of deep sky pictures.SharpCap
Easy-to-use and powerful astronomy camera capture and sensor analysis tool.Sequence Generator Pro
Automated image capture software for astrophotographySky Safari
A paid planetarium app that comes in three levels, ranging from basic to professional versions.Fee open source planetarium for your computer and smartphone.
Seti Astro
Standalone software that incorporates: XISF Liberator, Cosmic Clarity Sharpen/Denoise/Satellite, Statistical Stretch, Star Stretch, NBtoRGB Stars, Halo-B-Gon, Continuum Subtract Utility, What’s In My Image, and What’s In My Sky.
Books and magazines
Mastering PixInsight and the art of Astroimage Processing by Rogelio Bernal
The most complete PixInsight Reference Guide as of right now.Sky and Telescope
Monthly american magazine covering all aspects of amateur astronomy.Astronomy
Magazine for anyone who wants to learn more about astronomy events, cosmology, planets, galaxies, asteroids, astrophotography, etc
Astronomy and astrophotography planning made easy.Astronomy Tools
A collection of useful, free astronomy tools.AstroAdictos
A group of astrophotographers from Chile established in 2021 with members from all around the globe.CloudyNights
Astronomical community brought to you by Astronomics.AstroBackyard
Learn astrophotography tips, camera settings, techniques and more.Chaotic Nebula
Your guide to astrophotography, with excellent PixInsight workflows.Light Vortex Astronomy
A collection of blogs, tutorials and articles about astronomical image processing.Wilmslow Astro
Astronomy from a Cheshire suburb.Night Sky Pix
Your Complete Guide To Astrophotography.Madratter's AstroImaging
Madratter sharing some of thoughts and images relating to astrophotography.Astronomy Hub
High point scientific’s complete guide to astronomy and astrophotography.
Check out this section about ZWO ASIAIR - What is it, and how do I use it?All About Famous Astronaut Neil Armstrong
Learn about the first human that stepped on the moon, his history and legacy (article by Izzy!)Practical and experimental astronomy
Outstanding website in Spanish, with astronomical formulas and references.Sleeping Under the Stars: A Beginner’s Guide to Stargazing and Astrophotography
Amazing site by Derek Hales, featuring a bunch of articles about the history of astrophotography, equipment, methods and technics.Rolf Wahl Olsen's astrophotography galleries
Astrophotography galleries of the beautiful Southern skies, taken from Auckland, New Zealand.
Absolutely inspiring work in every sense and consequence.
Youtube channels
Desierto Cósmico
Join Carlos Sagan in an astrophotography adventure from the Atacama desert in Chile (In spanish)Galactic Hunter
Helpful Astrophotography Content from Antoine and Dalia, a couple who take deep-sky photographs of space from Las Vegas and the Nevada desert.Cuiv, The Lazy Geek
Tutorials, technical videos, insights, imaging nights... all you need to get appreciate the starry skies, get involved in the hobby, or refine your knowledge!Simplified Astro
Tutorial and guidance videos, aiming to provide honest and open reviews of a range of products.Chuck's Astrophotography
For people interested in astronomy, telescopes, cameras, and astrophotography.Adam Block
Astrophotography, instructional videos (especially on PixInsight) and other space related themes.Nebula Photos
YouTube channel sharing tutorials and reviews related to astrophotography by Nico CarverVisible Dark
Pixinsight image processing tutorial, tips and astro product reviews.Helena's Astrophotography
An amateur astrophotographer from ScotlandAstronomy Shed
Tutorials, reviews, demonstrations, all related or based on things astronomy.Astro Backyard
This channel is all about astrophotography.Windy City Astrophotography
With this channel Nick will take you along on his astrophotography journey, mostly from light-polluted skies!The channel goes in depth in the world of amateur astronomy, and astrophotography.
DSLR Night Sky
Review of a wide range of equipment types and imaging techniques.Dylan O'Donnell
Mix of astronomy and science resource videos, original and cover music, photography and videography and general kinetic creativity!Out Getting Subs
Interesting videos from an amateur Astrophotographer from Northern Germany.Celestial Photography
Astrophotography vlogs where I'm shooting deep sky objects, testing new equipment, and traveling to dark locations.Mitch
Pushing the limits of photons gathering.Astro Shed
SGP and PixInsight tutorialsImm deep sky compendium
Deep Sky Compendium spreadsheet to help astrophotographers find interesting deep sky targetsIn-The-Sky.org
Guides to the night sky, featuring astronomical events and charts, articles and ephemerides.Lights To Process
A channel made for beginners who want to get into astrophotography and basic astronomy.
Friends and groups
Astrophotography from ChileAsociación Chilena de Astronomía y Astronáutica - ACHAYA
The largest chilean association of amateur astronomy.Cari Letelier
Stunning astro-photography by Cari Letelier, chilean astrophotographer.Astrofotografia Chile
Astrophotography, astrotourism and general astronomy from Chile.